Jackie & Cory : "Like A River flows, Surely To The Sea"
I had known Cory for roughly four years before he asked me, with Jackie along, at a Starbucks to photograph their wedding. At that point I already felt a part of the family. Mainly because Cory had called me on Christmas Day a few months earlier to hide in the bushes and capture his proposal to Jackie. That was the beginning. Of all of this. I've enjoyed every minute we have spent together. The talks, the laughs, but more than anything, your willingness to allow me to sit back and wonder in pure awe of the two of you (oh,and also take photographs). I've learned so much from you about love and kindness. I am sure everyone else who knows the two of you knows what I am talking about. Thank you for opening your minds up and allowing me to play in there. I will remember and cherish this forever. Thank You.(I'm glad you live nearby)